Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Before: Hall

Photo 1:

This is what you see if you turn right from the living room, before the tv. I'm been meaning to hang this mirror, but there are a couple things holding me back. I need to hang it at the same height as the circuit breaker, and the mirror isn't wide enough to cover the panel (and the panel isn't centered in the wall). So - what to do? I've thought about hanging fabric over the whole wall, but there's still the issue of how to attach the mirror. Lengthen the hanging wire? I've also thought about getting an artist canvas and adding a cross brace to it. Then I can hang that on the wall and attach the mirror into the cross brace and avoid the circuit breaker entirely. Any ideas?

Photo 2: Hall closet

Sure it looks like it might be organized, but I think it needs to be easier to remove boxes when I need them. The red and yellow tool boxes are especially hard to get out.


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